Catalin Ion – Dziewczyny w grze


Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
których celem jest rozwój uczestniczek, otwarcie ich na branżę gier wideo i poszerzenie
ich wiedzy na jej temat.

Poznaj nasze Mentorki i Mentorów i wybierz z kim chciałabyś współpracować.

Catalin Ion

Lead Gameplay Animator


Mentoring with Catalin Ion will be in English only, so the interview with the candidate will also be in English.


I started working as an animator in 2004, my first journey being in TV commercials after which I transitioned to game development.
With almost 20 years of expertise as a gameplay animator, I’ve dedicated myself to crafting dynamic and immersive gaming experiences. My journey in the industry has been marked by a passion for bringing characters and worlds to life.

Beyond work, I find joy in exploring video games and movies, allowing me to draw inspiration and stay connected to the creative realm.
I have been playing video games since I was 4 years old (loading games on a Spectrum via audio cassettes) and I started watching movies as soon as I was born!

I can teach you:

  • 3D animation,
  • how to find or/and record reference and how to study it,
  • body mechanics and basic Motion Capture knowledge,
  • basic gameplay animation techniques.