Daniele Duri – Dziewczyny w grze


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ich wiedzy na jej temat.

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Daniele Duri

Expert Gameplay Animator


Mentoring with Daniele Duri will be in English only, so the interview with the candidate will also be in English.


My first job was as a 3D generalist in 2001, and a few years later I specialized in animation. Back then I mostly worked on animated tv series, and in 2007 I got my first job in the gaming industry, doing gameplay animation on Fable 2. Since that, I’ve decided that this was what I wanted to do. Then I contributed on Crysis 2 and 3, Ryse, on Hunt:Showdown, and ultimately arrived in Poland to work on Cyberpunk 2077.

Working as an animator in games is something special to me. The animations have to look good but also -very importantly- feel good to play with. Sometimes it can feel repetitive to do, but knowing that millions of people are gonna play what you prepared for them makes the effort so much worth it.

I started to play videogames when a ZX Spectrum 48k (you’ll have to google that) was the top of the line, and I still play to this day. Besides that, and spending time with my family, I love to customize mechanical keyboards and have car trips to the seaside.


I can help you with:

  • 3D character animation,
  • animation workflow in Maya,
  • basics of animation implementation in Unreal Engine.