Jesus Sebastian Lopez Pacheco – Dziewczyny w grze


Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
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ich wiedzy na jej temat.

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Jesus Sebastian Lopez Pacheco

Gameplay Engineering Manager


Hello! My name is Jesus Sebastian Lopez!

I’m from Colombia and I came to work in CD PROJEKT REDProjekt Red 5 years ago starting in Gwent, to Cyberpunk – Phantom Liberty and now the new Witcher Game! 

I am a Gameplay UX Engineer and Manager. I both Code and Manage a Team of Gameplay Engineers! I love Videogame  and create unmemorable experiences. 

I have a lot of hobbies from dancing, to diving, to travelling, to anime, and a lot more xD

I want to take this opportunity to inspire a new generation of Game Developers to learn to create new Experiences and learn the ropes and share my knowledge and experience! 🔥

– Gameplay Design & Programming

– Gameplay & Overall User Experience

– Managing Teams or Soft Skills Overall

– Overall Game Production