Alexander Lomonosov – Dziewczyny w grze


Program Dziewczyny w grze! zakłada szereg spotkań z wybraną mentorką bądź mentorem,
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ich wiedzy na jej temat.

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Alexander Lomonosov

Gameplay Designer


I’ve always loved games, and it seemed as a mystery to me how people make them. When coming through school, the uncertain perspective of entering the gamedev was scary enough for me to reconsider and strand away to a different field of study. But not for long.
Later as a student, I realised, this is the mystery of crafting fun gameplay I want to learn. So, I moved to Poland, learning programming and game design in pursuit of my dream to work at CDPR. After trials and errors, I finally joined REDs to do what I am passionate about.
At CDPR, I specialise at gameplay mechanics involving  Player’s interaction with enemies and NPCs
My favourite games are Outer Wilds, Dishonored, Prey, Elden Ring and many much more.  Besides videogames, I like bouldering, hiking and trying a bit of gardening lately. I’m a fan of all things Lovecraftian, sci-fi and horror movies.

What can I help you with?

– What makes a game fun to play? Analyzing gameplay mechanics and Player’s experience with them

– Brainstorming and documenting your ideas

– How to explain your ideas to others, including programmers, artists and animators?

– How to make your idea into a playable prototype?

– Unreal Engine tools that can help you with creating a game.